Van Buren County Schools will be CLOSED tomorrow, Friday, January 13th 2023 due to possible inclement weather.
almost 2 years ago, Admin
January is National Staying Healthy Month so it's a great time to highlight the 85210 Healthy Habits. The second habit is 5 or more fruits and vegetables everyday. This is a good guideline for everyone, children, teens, and adults. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is vitally important because they contain essential vitamins and minerals that you can't get anywhere else, they contain disease fighting antioxidants, and they are low calorie so they help prevent weight gain and obesity. One simple strategy to get your Daily 5 is to eat a fruit with breakfast, a fruit and veggie at lunch, and two veggies at supper. You can also throw in a healthy snack of a fruit or vegetable for good measure. If you or your children struggle with getting your daily 5, check out the tips below.
about 2 years ago, Kelly Lewis
Fruits & Veggies Tips
January is National Staying Healthy Month so it's a great time to highlight the 85210 Healthy Habits. The first habit is 8 Hours of Sleep each night. This is a good guideline for older teens and adults, but younger children and teenagers require even more sleep to function at their best. Take some time to look at your family's sleep habits and make adjustments to ensure that everyone is getting 8 hours or more of sleep each night. If you or your children struggle with getting a good night's sleep, check out the list of Eight Healthy Sleep Tips below.
about 2 years ago, Kelly Lewis
Eight Healthy Sleep Tips
Van Buren County Schools' CHRISTMAS BREAK dates to remember: Abbreviated Day - Friday, December 16, 2022 BUSES WILL NOT RUN Schools CLOSED: Monday, December 19, 2022 - Monday, January 2, 2023 Students Return - Tuesday, January 3, 2023
about 2 years ago, Admin
Christmas Break 2022
The 85210 Healthy Habits are a list of five simple, but sometimes challenging, habits that can help students, and even adults, live healthier lives. These daily healthy habits are especially beneficial for students because their bodies and minds are still developing! Beginning in January, CSH will share information about one of the five daily healthy habits of 85210 each month on Facebook and the school district website at We invite our families and students to join us in incorporating these five daily healthy habits during 2023!
about 2 years ago, Kelly Lewis
Van Buren County Schools' Families - Beginning after Christmas break, our school system will utilize Skyward and Thrillshare, our voice-call and text messaging system, to send out alerts to parents and guardians of students that are marked as absent for the school day. These alerts will go out each morning around 9:00am. This is done in an effort to keep parents informed of their students' absences. If you have any questions about your child's attendance, please call their school's front office. We hope this new ability will help emphasize the importance of good school attendance to our student's success.
about 2 years ago, Admin
Van Buren County Schools will be dismissing early at 1:30pm today (12/7) due to possible flooding. All after-school activities will be canceled for today. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
about 2 years ago, Admin
Happy Thanksgiving from Van Buren County Schools! We gather on this day to be thankful for what we have, for the family we love, the friends we cherish, and for the blessings that will come. We are thankful for our faculty, staff, and students each and every day!
about 2 years ago, Admin
Happy Thanksgiving
Van Buren County Schools will be CLOSED tomorrow, Tuesday, November 22, 2022 due to rising absenteeism. There will be no after-school care or basketball games this evening November 21st or tomorrow, November 22nd. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. We hope everyone has a safe and healthy Thanksgiving break!
about 2 years ago, Admin
Parents & Fans, At all middle school & high school basketball games going forward, we're asking for your help with the following: 1.) Sitting on or playing on the stage is not permitted. 2.) Shooting by younger kids or other non-participants in between quarters, at halftimes, or in between games is not permitted. 3.) No outside or personal basketballs are permitted in. This will help with #2 & also with dribbling & passing balls in the lobby, which also isn't permitted. Thank you for your help in these matters.
about 2 years ago, Dustin Sullivan
VBCYA basketball late registration ends tonight (Friday, November 4th) at midnight! Last chance to get signed up!
about 2 years ago, Dustin Sullivan
Van Buren County Schools will be dismissing at 12:30pm today, Monday, October 31st, due to an issue with the sewer system. There will be no after-school programs or practices this evening.
about 2 years ago, Admin
Veterans Day is two weeks from today. We would like to extend a special invitation to Veterans to join us that day for breakfast and Veterans Day Program. We ask that our families and students share this information with their special Veterans. Please call SES at 946-2171 to RSVP by Monday, November 7. The breakfast and Veterans Day Program will take place at Van Buren County High School.
about 2 years ago, Kelly Lewis
Veterans Day Flyer
VBCYA early basketball registration for this year is open one more day! After that the late registration fee is an additional $10! Open to players 4 years old (by 8/15/22) through high school seniors. Important dates to keep in mind: Registration ($35) = 10/11/22 - 10/28/22 Late Registration ($45) = 10/29/22 - 11/4/22 Draft 11/5/22 Season 12/3/22 - 2/11/22 Register today at:
about 2 years ago, Dustin Sullivan
The annual basketball shirt sale is going for only 24 more hours! Our nicest hoodies (vintage embroidered design) & sweatshirts (distressed screen print) ever! A brand new ladies only hooded tee! Deadline is Tuesday, October 25th at Midnight so get your orders in today! More info in the pics.
about 2 years ago, Dustin Sullivan
S/S, L/S, & Ladies Hooded Tees!
Sweatshirts & Hoodies!
Good Afernoon Parents/Guardians: The SY21-22 P-EBT cards processing started the week of July 30th and Summer P-EBT card processing started this week. Here is the link to the P-EBT portion of the TDHS website that has a wealth of information including contact information for both the SY 21-22 P-EBT and Summer P-EBT, . The TDHS would like parents to check on the status and distribution dates of benefits by using the P-EBT Parent Portal by visiting or calling the hotline 1-833-419-3210. Distribution dates are also shared on the THDS website, and on TDHS Facebook and Twitter accounts. Below are some quick access numbers and links that may assist you: ~ Parent hotline/helpdesk number is 1-833-419-3210 ~ If you have discarded your card and need to request a new one, please visit to request a new P-EBT card or call 1 (888) 997-9444. You can also call the P-EBT assistance line at (833) 419-3210. ~If you have discarded your card and need to request a new one, please visit to request a new P-EBT card or call 1 (888) 997-9444. You can also call the P-EBT assistance line at (833) 419-3210. ~ If you think your student qualifies but you have not received funds on your card, call the P-EBT assistance line at (833) 419-3210. ~ Families who would like to appeal would access the Appeals Online Portal: or call (833) 496-0661.
over 2 years ago, Cassandra Binkley
The Letterman Jacket guy will be at school in the morning at 8:00 to size anyone that wants to purchase a jacket this year. He can also help students with their order while he's there. There's no deposit necessary to order.
over 2 years ago, Dustin Sullivan
Jacket Flyer
September is Attendance Awareness Month, but school attendance is important all year long! School attendance is essential to academic success, but too often students, parents, and schools don’t realize how quickly absences, excused or unexcused, can add up to academic trouble. Chronic absence— missing just 18 days per school year— can lead to third graders being unable to master reading, sixth graders failing courses, and ninth-graders dropping out of high school. This school year we are challenging our students to Strive for No More than Five absences for the entire school year!
over 2 years ago, Kelly Lewis
Attendance Flyer
The Tennessee Department of Education and Commissioner Penny Schwinn announced on Monday that the Van Buren County School District has been designated as an Exemplary District. This is the highest designation for a school district and is based on the state accountability determinations for the 2021-22 school year. Congratulations to the faculty, staff, and students at Spencer Elementary and Van Buren County High School and to the administrators of the Van Buren County School District on this high honor! We would also like to thank the parents and community partners who support and contribute to the education of our students! Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Kelly Lewis
Exemplary District Flyer
Middle school baseball tryouts will be this Thursday, September 15, 2022 at the high school baseball field from 3:00-4:30. Tryouts are open to any boy in grades 6th-8th. Please bring a glove and come properly dressed.
over 2 years ago, Dustin Sullivan