Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Van Buren County app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation via email to begin using this feature in our app after 08/16/2023. Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 1 year ago, Cassandra Binkley
Middle school baseball tryouts for the '23-'24 school year will be Monday, August 14th and Tuesday, August 15th from 3:00-4:30. Wear appropriate clothing and meet in the gym after school.
over 1 year ago, Dustin Sullivan
There will be a brief Golf team meeting in the morning at 7:30 in Coach Sullivan's room.
over 1 year ago, Dustin Sullivan
Due to storm damage and continued utilities outage at Fall Creek Falls, the Back to School Splash is CANCELED for the scheduled date, Friday, August 11. However, Fall Creek Falls is hopeful that the Back to School Splash can be rescheduled for Friday, August 18. This decision will be made by Wednesday, and we will communicate this information to our schools and families at that time!
over 1 year ago, Kelly Lewis
MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF SCHOOLS: Schools will continue to operate on a two-hour delay today. All drivers and buses should drive with caution.
over 1 year ago, Admin
Van Buren County Schools will be operating on a TWO HOUR DELAY this morning. We will continue to monitor the weather situation and keep you updated if things change. Thank you for your patience during these unusual first few days of school. Thank you and stay weather aware!
over 1 year ago, Cassandra Binkley
Good Afternoon Van Buren County Families and Students! The Family Resource Center will be open on Thursday, August 10th and Friday, August 11th from 8:30 AM-1:30 PM. The Family Resource Center is also in need of some items to help the families of Van Buren County. The FRC is currently seeking donations of Laundry Detergent, Toilet Tissue, Non-Pershiable Food Items, Gently Used/New Boys Clothing Sizes 4T-10, and Twin/Full Sheets & Comforters. Thank You!
over 1 year ago, Cassandra Binkley
VB Families and Students: If you or your children are covered by TennCare insurance, we have received notification that TennCare renewal packets are being sent out in bulk this August-October. Please be watching for your TennCare renewal packet to be delivered to the address that you have on file with TennCare. This paperwork MUST be completed ON TIME by the indicated DEADLINE annually in order to have continued TennCare insurance coverage. There is also an app (TennCare Connect) which you can use to check the status of your renewal packet at any time. You may also contact Jacqueline Finley, Health Insurance Counselor, at the Van Buren County Health Department at (931) 946-2438 with any questions or assistance.
over 1 year ago, Cassandra Binkley
MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF SCHOOLS: Families - there is potential for more storms to arrive later today. We will monitor the weather for possible early dismissal today. Please be on standby and aware as we move through the day. I hope all of our students have a great first day back! -J. Copeland
over 1 year ago, Admin
MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF SCHOOLS (Part 2/2): Although there are a few outlying areas still with some damage, we will proceed with beginning school on time tomorrow, Wednesday, August 9th for our first full day back with students. Please drive with caution tomorrow and be aware of the conditions in your area. We are so excited to see all of our students again and are ready to begin the great work that is ahead of us this year! See you in the morning! Jared Copeland Director of Schools
over 1 year ago, Admin
MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF SCHOOLS (Part 1/2): I first want to thank all of the many people who have worked tirelessly to restore power, clear roads, and clean up the damage that was done to our community after yesterday’s storms. It was disappointing to have to begin our new school year in this manner but I am so thankful that all of our students and families were safe.
over 1 year ago, Admin
As the school year kicks off, check out the Van Buren County Schools Lunch Menu for August. Remember that Breakfast and Lunch are both free again for students this year, but we need all forms to be filled out and returned to continue this great program. Thank you!!
over 1 year ago, Cassandra Binkley
August Lunch
Van Buren County Schools will be CLOSED tomorrow, Tuesday, August 8th due to continuing storm damage cleanup.
over 1 year ago, Admin
Today was the last day of inservice at VBCS before students join us tomorrow. We kicked the morning off with breakfast followed by speakers about school safety. Jeff Hicks and Trent Lovett spoke with teachers, staff, and community members today about school safety. We once again had food trucks (Honey's and the Lilypad) set up for lunch. It was a good day and we are excited to have our students back with us tomorrow.
over 1 year ago, Cassandra Binkley
breakfast crew
VB Families and Students: As the countdown continues for back to school, remember to fill out and return all forms for your students. These forms contain important information that must be updated every year and ensure the continuance of programs such as free breakfast and lunch. Thank you for all you do and we look forward to seeing each and everyone of our students tomorrow morning!
over 1 year ago, Cassandra Binkley
day 1
If you would like to play golf this year please see Coach Sullivan tomorrow morning either before school or at 10 minute break. To play you must be in 8th grade or in high school.
over 1 year ago, Dustin Sullivan
VB Families and Students: As we continue our Back to School Countdown, we want to spotlight our CTE Program at VBHS. The Career and Technical Program prepares students for success at the postsecondary level and in their chosen careers. This year the Van Buren County High School is offering the Industry 4.0 Diploma Distinction. For more information on the CTE Program and the Industry 4.0 Diploma please contact Jammie Lowery at (931)946-2442 or visit the VBHS website.
over 1 year ago, Cassandra Binkley
VB Families and Students: As we continue our Back to School Countdown, remember that a Good Start to your student's day is a Good Breakfast. Van Buren Co. Schools is once again offering Free Breakfast to All Students. Please remember the importance of filling out the forms sent home with your student to ensure programs like Free Breakfast continues.
over 1 year ago, Cassandra Binkley
The Van Buren County School District's Back to School SPLASH will be on Friday, August 11, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Fall Creek Falls State Park Swimming Pool! We invite all Van Buren County students and their families to attend this fun FREE event! All students must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or responsible adult in order to swim. Watermelon will be served FREE, and The Snack Bar will also be open for those who wish to purchase snacks, ice cream, etc.
over 1 year ago, Kelly Lewis
Back to School Splash Invitation
VB Families and Students: As our Back to School countdown continues, remember that as you buy your child new clothing for the upcoming school year, Van Buren Co. Schools have a Dress Code in place for each school. Please see the SES and VBHS Handbooks for a complete dress code policy.
over 1 year ago, Cassandra Binkley