
Stay Informed

  • Make Sure Guardian Contact/Phone Information is Up to Date in Skyward.

  • Follow the Van Buren County Schools, Spencer Elementary School, and Van Buren County High School Facebook Pages

Student Pick-Up /Drop Off

Student Drop Off Starts at 7:30 AM.

Elementary School and High School Back Parking Lot Gates are locked from 8:15 AM until 2:30 PM during the school day.

Student Parent Pick Up Begins at 2:55 PM for Elementary and 2:58 for Middle/High School.

Student Drivers are not released until the Buses have exited the High School Back Parking Lot.

Speed Limit is 5mph in all Parking Lots and Drop Off/Pick Up Lines.

Stay Aware- Do Not Text and Drive: $200 Fine for Violation of Hands Free TN in School Zone

Hands Free TN

School Emergency Tips for Parents


Tobacco Use

The use of tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco, electronic/battery-operated devices such as vapor products and e-cigarettes, and tobacco-related paraphernalia by any persons including students, district employees, guests, and contractors is prohibited on all school grounds at all times. 


Reporting Incidents

To report incidents of Bullying, Incidents, and Safety Concerns.

Stop It


In collaboration with the Van Buren County Sheriff's Department, Van Buren County Schools has two full time School Resource Officers in the schools daily and at extracurricular events.


Clint Holloway (VBHS) & Brent Hickerson (SES)

Handle with Care Referral

In collaboration with the Van Buren County Sheriff's Department and Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, the Van Buren County School system is given a "heads up" when a student is involved in a traumatic event that involves law enforcement agencies.

Safety Drills

The Van Buren County School Sytem practices the following drills to help prepare your student(s) for emergencies:

  • Fire Drills

  • Armed Intruder Drill (Lockdown)

  • CPR/AED Drill

  • Full Evacuation Drill

  • Earthquake Drill

  • Bus Evacuation Drill

  • Incident Command Drill


The Van Buren County School System is equipped with 8 AEDs at the following locations:

  • High School Gym

  • Elementary School Gym

  • Auxillary Gym

  • Early Bird Preschool

  • Ag/CTE Building

  • Softball Field

  • Baseball Field

  • Van Buren Co. Central Office


Recognizing Warning Signs

Know the signs

Safety Concerns?

Both Spencer Elementary and Van Buren County Middle/High School has a SERT (School Emergency Response Team) and the district has a DERT (District Emergency Response Team) that is equipped to respond to emergency situations within the district/school. As always if you have any safety concerns please contact the Van Buren County Board of Education at 931-946-2242.